Sunday, October 28, 2007

There’s nothing wrong with being a terrorist, as long as you win.

I have long resented the fact that I can't call myself an environmentalist any more. I have no desire to be boxed in with those new "environmentalist" who, with their well-funded new-think, have convinced most people that homo sapiens, rather than cockroaches, are now the lowest form of life on the planet, and that the whole planet
would be better off if homo sapiens were just exterminated. These extremist greens somehow have forgotten that humans evolved on the same planet, and that *real* environmentalism would include *all* species - not just non-human species.

These NTEs (New-Think Evironmentalists) have made environmentalism a faith-based movement that ignores science. Their guilt-based evangelism has gained them immense funding, and their tactics range from litigation to acts of terrorism. Notice that, like other fanatical faith-based movements, there doesn't seem to be any practice of the faith itself: NTEs don't actually practice any environmentalism, they just proselytize about it. And interestingly enough, they all seem to hold themselves apart from the rest of us low-life homo sapiens types - they get to remain here on the new, improved version of Earth while we get exterminated.

An interesting collection of extremist "green" thought is at The Antisocialist.

Mexican wolf - reality vs propaganda

An excellent article appears at on the reality of what is actually happening on-the-ground in Mexican wolf reintroduction country vs the propaganda put out by pro-wolf people who don't have a clue but do have lots of money to promote their non-reality based viewpoint and to litigate when their viewpoint is challenged. I highly recommend reading this article.

There is a link in the middle of the article for still images (PDF format) from videos taken of wolves in one Catron County resident's yard.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Richardson green at expense of rural New Mexicans

On Wed. Oct 24 "Blogging Bill", a blog put
together by the staff of the Santa Fe Reporter,
posted "There's Something About Bill::Political
Animals", subtitled "If dogs could vote, they
might pick Bill", by Dave

Mr. Mass must be kidding. Only city dogs would
vote for Bill! New Mexico's rural dogs know that
because Bill doesn't give a hoot about rural
dogs, or rural dogs' owners, their lives are in
constant jeopardy. Bill doesn't care that rural
dogs (and cats, horses and other animals owned by
rural New Mexicans) are being killed by Mexican
wolves - he says "wolves play a critical role in
maintaining balanced ecosystems" but like most
big-dollar, high-litigation environmental groups,
Bill apparently doesn't include human or domestic
animal species in our ecosystems.

Where exactly did humans evolve, then - another
planet? Are we not part of the
ecosystem? Haven't all species of wild animals
on this planet shared the environment with
domestic animals for the last ten thousand years
and with humans for longer than the Mexican wolf "species" has existed?

The instances of Richardson's "animals rights"
stance in Mr. Mass' article illustrate one
important point: Bill is appealing to potential
non-New Mexico voters while ignoring rural New
Mexicans (just like he has as governor).

New Mexico is not a large population state. It
is not possible for a governor here to miss the
pleas for relief from oppressive environmental
decisions which have arisen from litigation and
not-so-subtle pressures by highly-funded
non-local environmental groups and which inflict
a disproportionate burden on rural residents.

Richardson emphasizes diplomacy in many of his
public appearances. His diplomacy with respect
to rural environmentalism seems to be of the sort
that cats use: Bury the shit by scratching a
little fresh smelling soil over it. Maybe a
plant will grow there someday… or more likely,
maybe the shit will poison the soil and kill the
plants nearby. A vote for Richardson is a vote
for green at the expense of an important segment of our culture.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Donate rice, improve your brain.

At you can play a word game and improve your brain while doing good for others. Each time you choose a correct definition for a word, 10 grains of rice gets donated to the UN World Food Program.

Do they actually count the grains? How much of the rice actually gets to people who really need it? Don't know, but on my first round, I donated 160 grains of rice before not getting "plumbism". I'm not telling you the answer - you have to do this yourself.